- Always make sure your audience is paying attention.
2. Pay close attention to their facial expressions, facial expressions can tell you a lot about how the person is perceiving your information. Ex Yawning and rolling eyes probably means that they do not care about what you are talking about. When your in that situation switch topics about what your talking about.
3. Timing ! Make sure you have good timing and know when to approach the person you are trying to persuade. If their boyfriend/girlfriend just broke up with them then obvioulsly thats not the right time because when you do go in for a conversation you are likely to get rejected or they might not want to talk at all. If the person you are trying to persuade has had a smile on all day then you know you might have a better chance.
4. Many people share similar
ideas about what's fair and desirable. Show your audience that your values and
ideas enmesh with their own. Again, you need to put yourself in their shoes,
understand their concerns, and be sympathetic to their feelings.
5. Any persuasive
argument, be it a speech, an essay, or a sales pitch, has a clear structure.
Verbally, a successful structure is about repetition and placement. When
listing reasons why people should listen to you, save your most powerful points
for last, as they will linger in the minds of your captive audience. Also,
repeat your most important arguments. Repetition establishes a pattern that
remains in the memory.
6. A point of view
is not an opinion. An opinion results from a point of view. A point of view is
exactly what it says. It is the point from which each person sees the
situation. You and the other person will have different point of view. Make
sure that you understand the point of view of the other person and also make
sure that your point of view is understood. Show respect for the other party by
asking them to explain their point of view first. Take the trouble to really
understand it. You will then have earned the right to ask the other party
listen as you explain your point of view.
7. Apparently there
is no doubt that you can use hypnosis to persuade and that it works very powerfully.
It is certainly an unusual method to use. Do not reject the possibility of
using it because it is covert. I do not know much about it. The important point
is never to use it in a way that is unethical or unlawful. Respect the rights
of others at all times. Treat others as you would want to be treated.
please comment your thoughts and tips.
image source: (2011). how to
persuade people. (2011). [Print Photo]. Retrieved from http://wordexpertise.com/commercial-offer/how-to-persuade-people/
source: Bartels , J.
[Web log message]. Retrieved from http://ezinearticles.com/?Persuasion-Tips&id=1285774
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