Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Pathos works best with techniques like narration, description, juxtaposition,

and artful repetition. Pathos makes effective "hooks" (exciting introductions

that involve readers with an argument) or powerful conclusions that wrap up
an argument. Pathos ensures that readers are involved in the argument; it
appeals to the human love of storytelling and detail.

Rhetorical appeals can be achieved through:

Visual Information Structure; this includes how the text looks on the screen. This is achieved through the appearance of such things as the titles and the headings.

Color; this includes the color of the text, the background, and the graphics. The contrast of the colors of each of these items is also important.

Graphic Images; this includes the other information in the document aside from the text. This is achieved through such things as icons, buttons, and photos.

Pathos in rhetoric style, In my view this is the best way to gain people's credibility. We can persuade people by knowing that what  meets their taste. Let me elaborate this by giving you an example. An international company launched their smartphone in the market. what do they do to promote their product? They can upload the reviews of their phone on social networking sites or on youtube. so the people can easily get their product in attention. They can create world premier to introduce the new features that people will love to have in their phones. This is the example of how to use pathos in rhetoric style.

Give your comments below and let me know what more can be added in this topic.

source: Retrieved from

video source: Rhetoric-pathos only [Web]. (2011). Retrieved from

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