Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Logos refers to an appeal to reason based on logic. Logical conclusions come from assumptions and decisions derived from weighing a collection of solid facts and statistics. Academic arguments (research papers) rely on logos.Inductive reasoning takes a specific representative case or facts and then draws generalizations or conclusions from them. Inductive reasoning must be based on a sufficient amount of reliable evidence. In other words, the facts you draw on must fairly represent the larger situation or population.

An example of an argument that relies on logos is the argument that smoking is harmful based on the evidence that "Cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer."

Logos is all about to make people think that what is reasonable about your product. let us take an example of Erick again, Erick want his mother to order pizza. so let us see how logos help Erick in convince his mom. Erick say to his mom, " hey mom i have read somewhere that pizza is good for our health. it contains all the food particles together in it." Now Erick's mom is probably thinking that Erick is very thoughtful. He had good reasons to make her order a pizza. So i should order the pizza for him. This is way logos help up persuade people by providing reasons.

I shall be thankful if you add comments an give some more examples on logos.

image source: (2011). content premises- persuasion. (2011). [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

source: Fleming, G. [Web log message]. Retrieved from


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